
Biodiesel is a renewable and biodegradable fuel used to power diesel engines. The main raw materials used include vegetable oils and animal fat. Since 2008, Brazilian legislation has determined that all petroleum diesel must be blended with biodiesel for domestic use.

For more information, see the Biodiesel Chemical Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs):

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Soybean Meal

Soybean meal is comprised entirely of ground soybeans attained during the oil extraction process. Due to the high protein value, it is used primarily as feed for poultry, pigs and cattle. GMP+ certification for Oleoplan soybean meal guarantees its quality, along with the application of best practices throughout the production process.

Soybean Lecithin

Soybean lecithin is a result of the soybean oil extraction process. A natural emulsifier, lecithin is used in a range of industries, including food, with an emphasis in biscuits, chocolates, ice-creams, breads, candies and margarine. However, it is not restricted to the food industry, as it is commonly employed in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries or in the manufacture of paints and rubber. Our lecithin complies with the highest level of quality standards, catering to the needs of both domestic and international markets.


Glycerin is a product that results from the biodiesel production process. Oleoplan’s product is traded with a total glycerol content of 80%. It can be employed in myriad applications, especially within the chemical and animal nutrition industries. Most of the product iscurrently exported to foreign markets.

For more information, see the Glycerin Chemical Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs):

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  • Oleoplan Nordeste
  • Oleoplan Pará
  • Oleoplan Rondônia
  • Oleoplan Sul

Soybean Hull

The soybean hull remains after processing and extracting the oil. Free of allergenic substances and chemical additives, the soybean hull is used mainly in animal nutrition, especially for ruminant animals.

Fertilizers and Agricultural Chemicals

At our regional facilities, we negotiate fertilizers and agrochemicals to our soybean suppliers. They can choose between the traditional payment, in cash, or in soybeans. For the latter, farmers can opt to transform the cost of their inputs into bags of soybeans due following the harvest. This option reduces the risks to the farmers, as it eliminates the price oscillations for both inputs and outputs.